Multi colored random posts Widget for Blogger EXCLUSIVE.!!!!

Multi colored random posts Widget for Blogger
Random Posts widget is an awesome widget for your Blogger Blog.We posted about How to add random posts widget, Most important feature of this widget is it lets your Blog visitors to surf more blog posts in your blog.Its let your users to spend more time in your Blog. Surely it increases your Blog's internal links that lets your blog higher traffic.This is the modified version of the Random posts widget we posted earlier, one of our visitor "Yogesh Gamer" asked me to make this widget like Multi colored Popular posts Widget. So after that I just tried and it got success. Please do check this widget and comment your suggestions...

Check out Related Articles
Awesome Random Posts Widget For Blogger
Awesome Multi-Colored Popular Posts Widget for Blogger

Features of This Widget

  •  Flat UI colors used (it will attract users attention)
  • Automatic Post Numbering

  • Sign In to Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Layout
  • Click on Add Gadget and look for HTML/Javascript and select it
  • Copy the below code inside it and click save
<style type="text/css">
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<div class="noop-random-posts"><script type="text/javascript">
    var randarray = new Array();var l=0;var flag;
    var numofpost=5;function nooprandomposts(json){
    var total = parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10);
    for(i=0;i < numofpost;){flag=0;randarray.length=numofpost;l=Math.floor(Math.random()*total);for(j in randarray){if(l==randarray[j]){ flag=1;}}
    for(n in randarray){ var p=randarray[n];var entry=json.feed.entry[p-1];
    for(k=0; k <; k++){if([k].rel=='alternate'){var item = "<li>" + "<a href=" +[k].href + ">" + entry.title.$t + "</a> </li>";
    </script><a href="" style="font-size:0pt">Blogger Widgets</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&start-index=1&max-results=1000&callback=nooprandomposts"></script></div>

50 million lines of code and counting: supporting students in open source

Back in 2005, we had an idea to get university students interested in open source software during their summer breaks. That year, we launched the Google Summer of Code. This annual program brings student developers from all over the world together with open source software organizations to mentor them through a summer project.

To date, the program has produced 50 million lines of open source code from more than 8,500 student developers—and in 2014, we'll mark the 10th anniversary of Google Summer of Code.

To celebrate the previous nine years of student contributions and set the stage for the best Google Summer of Code yet, we’re launching 10 things to make the program better than ever. Here’s a peek at what we’ll be up to, stay tuned to the Open Source blog for updates:

  • We’re planning 10 visits to countries with the highest participation throughout the year to promote the program and celebrate local students and mentors.
  • A 10 percent increase in the student stipend, bringing the amount to $5,500.
  • We’re also accepting 10 percent more students than ever before—more than 1,300 students will spend their summer coding as part of the program next year
  • A 10-year reunion mentor summit held at Google’s Mountain View campus for our Google Summer of Code organization alumni.

We’re excited to be running a program that touches a lot of lives around the world every year, and we want to celebrate all of the accomplishments we’ve seen from our participants.

We’re also committed to getting younger students involved in open source software. For the fourth consecutive year, in November we’ll run Google Code-in, an international contest designed to introduce 13-17 year old students to the world of open source development. You don’t have to be a coder to get involved in this contest; there are a variety of ways students can contribute to open source projects.

Each year, open source software is becoming more important to governments and industries such as healthcare, gaming and technology. We believe that investing in youth and open source will improve both technology and society. Applications for Google Summer of Code open in March and students interested in Google Code-in can apply starting November 18. See our Open Source blog post for more details on both programs. Here’s to the next year in open source!

Benefits Of Rooting Your Android Device

Rooting Your Android Device
Google’s Android is open, customizable and a highly versatile operating system compared to other mobile OSes. And rooting it allows users complete control on their devices. However, you may wonder as to what rooting your Android device involves and what are the benefits in doing so. First, it is essential to understand what rooting is all about.

For the uninitiated, rooting gives users root permission and access to their devices. Rooting also gives the users the ability to tweak the settings on their phones, flash custom ROMs on the phone for adding additional features, as well as modify the software on the device. However, rooting is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it can be done successfully provided the users follow the rooting instructions for their device carefully.

A thing to note is that with different kinds of Android phones available, the same rooting technique may not work for all. So before rooting, users need to ascertain whether or not a particular rooting method will actually work for their devices. Users should also know that doing so will void the manufacturer’s warranty on your device and there is a small chance that improper rooting can also damage the phone permanently. Nonetheless, there are still plenty of benefits to rooting your phone and it is a risk definitely worth taking.

Flash a custom ROM:

This is one of the best benefits of rooting an Android device. In simple terms, a custom ROM is a modified version of Android that users can install if they are not happy with the Android version that their device comes with. Adding a custom ROM adds more unique and convenient features to the phone that are not usually seen on their devices. Samsung devices are usually the most rooted of all, as users want to use stock Android ROMs that are much more agile than Samsung’s TouchWiz skin.

Flash a custom kernel:

A kernel allows apps on the phone to communicate directly with the hardware of the phone. A custom kernel helps improve the performance of the phone, enhance battery life, speed up battery charging, and also add advanced features such as Wi-Fi tethering on certain phones that do not come with this option.

Tweak under the hood settings: Users can tweak every little feature of their phone including customizing the keyboard layout, enhancing multitasking functionality, increasing the scrolling speed as well as adding interesting themes to the phone. Basically, rooting allows users to reach into the darkest corners of their phones and make the most of the changes that are possible.

Remove bloatware:

This is one of the best reasons for rooting. Often the phones are preloaded with software and apps that one does not use. These programs not only occupy the onboard memory, but can also drain the battery. Before uninstalling any apps, users should confirm that those apps are not vital to efficient functioning of their phones.


Having a backup of crucial data and settings is highly recommended. Should a user want to migrate to a new Android handset or wishes to restore the deleted data to the current handset for any reason, then a backup must be readily available. This is also helpful even if the user is not rooting his/her device.

Apart from these benefits, rooting also helps to block annoying ads that appear in apps, boost the speed and battery life of the phone, automate everything as well as unlock certain hidden features in the device and install certain apps that are otherwise considered as incompatible.

Author Bio:
Rohit Reddy is the editor of GadgetResearch. He is a gadget and technology enthusiast and loves blogging about them. In his free time he likes to follow the latest tech news and share it with his friends.

The new HP Chromebook, made with Google

We need our computers to be as fast and mobile as we are. We want to work across multiple screens—often at the same time. We want the latest and greatest software and we want to be able to get to our stuff from wherever we are. Chromebooks offer all of that, making computers that are simpler, more secure and more affordable, for everyone.

Earlier today, HP introduced the HP Chromebook 11. Designed and built in partnership with our friends at HP, it has all of the speed, simplicity and security benefits you'd expect from a Chromebook, and some unique design elements that address many of the challenges people face with computers today.

First, a laptop should be light and mobile. So the new Chromebook is really thin with no extra fluff. It weighs in at just over two pounds—one of the lightest laptops on the market. There are also no sharp edges so nothing digs into your wrists while you type. And when you’re traveling, you don’t need to throw an extra charger into your bag. The HP Chromebook 11 is powered by a micro-USB charger, which can also be used to juice up your Android phone or tablet.

Second, a computer should look good—something you’re proud to take out at a coffee shop. So the new Chromebook has a sleek, distinctive and super simple look. The fanless design means it doesn’t need any grills for venting. And it comes in a variety of colors to match your mood (or your wardrobe).

And there are a bunch of other things that we hope will make your computing experience even more awesome:
  • Brilliant display. Often when folks gather around a screen, everyone tries to gently nudge the computer in their own direction so they can see better. No more nudging. The new Chromebook's screen has a 176-degree viewing angles so you can see even when looking at it almost completely sideways. And the super bright display brings all of your favorite photos, shows and videos to life.
  • Light but sturdy. We wanted the Chromebook to hold up well against everyday bumps and bruises. So it has a magnesium frame that makes it incredibly sturdy. You can hold it from a single corner without it bending or flexing.
  • Finely-tuned speakers. Many computers have speakers on the bottom, which is great if you have ears in your lap. Instead, the speakers on the new Chromebook are under the keyboard, which means the sound is crisp, clear and pointed up towards your ears.
  • Goodies built-in. And, of course, many Google apps come built-in, including 100GB of Google Drive cloud storage (free for two years) and a 60-day free trial of Google Play Music All Access.

This Chromebook is crafted with the same obsessive attention to detail as the Chromebook Pixel. But we worked hard with HP to keep the price low: the new HP Chromebook 11 is available for just $279.

Look for it starting today at Best Buy, Amazon, Google Play and HP Shopping in the U.S., as well as at Currys, PC World and many other retailers in the U.K. It will be available in other countries that sell Chromebooks in time for the holidays.

So if you’ve been looking for a computer that makes it easier to get stuff done (and look good doing it), we hope you give the new HP Chromebook 11 a try—or add it to your gift list this holiday season. We designed it to make computing faster, simpler and more secure, for everyone.

Posted by Caesar Sengupta, VP, Product Management

The cultural catwalk: 5000+ new works in the Cultural Institute

The past few weeks, Fashion Week in New York, London, Paris and Milan have given us a feast for the eyes with parades of creativity, color and design. At the Cultural Institute (follow us on G+ here), we're putting on a fashion show of a different kind with new content from 36 partners. Many of these cultural treasures, from China, Hungary, Mexico and 16 other countries, have a strong link to fashion and design through the ages.

Fabrics are the starting point of many designs. You can see this in the wonderful costumes added by the Textile Museum of Canada to the Google Art Project. Highlights include a kimono from Japan, a cape from Polynesia and an 1800s jacket with beautiful detail from Greece. The creation of these fabrics is highly skilled work; in an online exhibition, The Craft Revival Trust gives us an insight into the 5,000-year-old Indian textile tradition which creates the prints, motifs and colors that are still used today, while the The Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg exhibits quilts of delicate beauty.
If regalia and royal jewels are more your thing, then then be sure to see new exhibits from La Venaria Reale in Italy and the Palace of Versailles in France. Zoom in at brushstroke level to the gigapixel painting of Victor Amadeus II of Sardinia to appreciate the jewellery, metallics, fabrics and lace of the King’s royal mantle, scepter and crown. And accessories were as important in the 17th century as they are today: an online exhibition entitled “Louis XIV: the construction of a political image” curated by experts in Versailles features an amazing wax portrait moulded from the monarch’s face, complete with a real wig.
The fashion world has long taken inspiration from tribal traditions. In a new photographic archive named "African ceremonies,” the diversity and beauty of 100+ unique African cultures is on full display—the work of two world-class artists who spent 30 years criss-crossing the continent. From the painted Karo Dancers of Ethiopia to The Hands of the Ashanti King, you'd be hard-pressed to find more elaborate body art and ceremonial dress.
You can also browse the interiors of the first two museums in China to open their doors to Street View; enjoy our first collection of children’s art from Norway; learn about Sumatra’s Pustaha book of spells reflecting the wisdom of nine generations of magicians; or simply sit back and let yourself be taken on a tour by a museum director through one of the 12 new galleries they’ve created. With 5,400 new items to explore, there’s some style inspiration for all of us!

The Future Of The Cloud [Infographic]

  • By 2016 two-thirds all workloads will be processed in the cloud, which is a two-fold increase on the number on workloads per installed cloud server in 2011. Better make sure you’re getting your work done on time and in budget because your world is going to be no longer private!
  • For those of you who don’t know what an Exabyte is, it’s equivalent to 1 billion gigabytes and currently businesses around the world use 268 Exabyte’s when using the cloud. That’s an increase from 124 in 2011 and is expected to increase more than double to 596 Exabyte’s by 2016! That is a hell of a bite!
  • Cloud usage is currently measured at 39% in the public cloud such as google drive, 34% is being used in the private cloud which are used by businesses internally and 27% in the hybrid cloud which is where both the clouds are bound together whilst remaining unique entities. Hybrid cloud provides the flexibility of in house applications with the fault tolerance and scalability of cloud based services.
  • The value of the cloud services are on the up! They are currently worth $117bn and is projected to increase around $100bn to $220bn with the public cloud alone expected to worth around $110bn in 2016. There’s a lot of money in things that don’t really exist!
Have a look through our Infographic for more great facts!

The Future Of The Cloud Computing

This infographic has been supplied by the guys at CWCS.

4 Methods Of Increasing Your Blog’s Domain Authority

Increasing Your Blog’s Domain Authority
The day-to-day activity and lifestyle of people across the world have undergone major changes due to the several breakthroughs in technology that have taken place over time. Now, people have grown used to relying heavily on high-tech gadgets. These days, it is almost unthinkable to survive without using tools like internet, laptop, computers, tablets and mobiles phones. Computers and internet have especially become an indispensible part of people’s lives with answers to almost all questions that arise in the minds of people available there. Companies and business firms have also realized the need to take advantage of the internet and thus, e-commerce and online marketing have become an integral part of the marketing strategies of businesses. Website content writing is another essential part of online marketing which helps attract visitors.

It is extremely important to make sure that the company website is attractive for which the content that is written for it must be magnetic. It has to be short, crisp and precise. These days, blogging has become a major aspect of content writing for the generation of public interest in the various services and products offered by a company. There are lots of people who are into blogging. Many of them create blogs as a hobby while it is also used as a major tool for the promotion of businesses. Most companies have resorted to blogging and also acquire assistance from outsourcing companies so that the blogs are to the point and achieve the desired results.

Blogging is like an art and for the proper utilization of blogs to expand the business, there are certain rules to be followed so that traffic is built, domain authority of the blog is increased and customers are attracted. I have given here 4 useful and basic ways to increase your blog visibility which have been pretty useful for me. I am sure these will work for you as well.

  1. Target and make a database of groups of audience who will be able to share your website with others. Remember internet is a boon for sharing information with just some clicks. Thus, if you can target a group who can be persuaded to share your website and blog to other users, there’s nothing like it. However, make sure that the website content writing of the blog is compelling and interesting enough for them to talk about it and share it. Then, the audience will share your blog and blog posts with different websites like social media sites, forums and even other blogs. For best results, target those people who are quite active on Twitter, Facebook and other such social media sites. This is also applicable for those people who have their own personal blogs.
  2. Writing the blog itself is an extremely smart idea. The blog should be informative and interesting. I used to write press releases to discuss my products and highlight their advantages and usefulness. In fact, you can write articles on the benefits associated with specific products and even provide weekly or daily titbits, tips and other information. The blog should also be SEO-friendly and you can do this by utilising Search Engine Optimization. It is a hugely popular business strategy that drives huge traffic to websites. Full advantage of SEO services should be taken to develop a strong connection between blogging and online business.
  3. Social media networking sites are extremely popular these days. Almost every other person, whether young or old, is hooked to this internet phenomenon. Take advantage of this and try to tap this huge crowd. Open a business account in these sites and attract these people to link them back to the main website or blog. Post meaningful comments on other forums and posts of people. Promote your blogs in the sites as advertisements; while promoting, you must make sure the account has useful information.
  4. Remember, more the merrier; so your website should be submitted to multiple website directories and search engines like Google, Yahoo, CanLink, Rankin Directory and Buzzle. The target should be industry-specific ones as their primary subject matter will coincide with the subject matter of your website.

In website content writing, it is of primary importance to use titles that are keyword-rich as this will help maximise the rank of your listing. So happy blogging!

Image Credit: dan.

Author Bio:
Sarmista Aun is expertise in web content writing. She contributes excellent content on digital marketing.

Three Suggestions For Online Business Start-ups

Millions of people across the world have long said goodbye to a traditional, nine-to-five office job and have decided to pursue their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. Many people have created successful and lucrative businesses all from the comforts of their own home. Many entrepreneurs today have totally based their businesses online, saving thousands of dollars a year in typical office-related costs and are enjoying the freedom and luxury of working from home. If you are currently in the midst of starting your own home-based, online business here are three suggestions on how to power up your new online start-up.


In order to truly maximize the success of your business, you should take advantage of outsourcing critical business functions like web design, marketing materials creation, SEO, etc., to a worker overseas. Believe it or not, there are a plethora of online outsourcing websites like,, and, that allow online businesses to outsource projects to highly qualified individuals in countries like India, China and South America.

Finances and Bookkeeping:

You should learn from the get go not to scrupulously spend money without having in place a thorough and interactive bookkeeping system that will allow you to properly manage your monthly finances. There are a wide variety of online bookkeeping systems available that are completely user-friendly. Services such as Quickbooks and Outright allow small business owners such as yourself to track everything from business expenses, client payments, salaries, etc. Do your due diligence and find the right bookkeeping system that is suitable for your needs.

Leverage social media:

More and more people are increasingly using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as a source of information. Whether it's researching new businesses, getting advice from friends about particular products, or even staying on top of the latest fashion trends; many people are relying on the opinions generated by social media users to drive their buying decisions. Make sure that you cultivate a healthy and sustainable presence on these social media sites. You are missing out on potentially tens of thousands of customers if you do not take social media serious. In fact, major search engines such as Google and Yahoo are incorporate social media into their search algorithms. Likable content on these social media sites means higher SEO rankings.

In the end, it is important to always research the best and most cost-effective tools you can use in order to strengthen your new start up. There are plentiful opportunities to make money online when you put the right resources in place.

Author Bio:
This post comes courtesy of Pure Bookkeeping, a revolutionary bookkeeping system that is sure to make things simpler for business owners who work online.