In 1986, a five-year-old boy named Saroo Munshi Khan accidentally fell asleep on a stationary train in India. He woke up hours later, alone and in an unfamiliar place. This fateful train ride ripped Saroo away from his home and family. For more than...
Home » Posts filed under maps and earth
The HALO Trust: Helping communities reclaim the land with Google Maps for Business
maps and earth
- on 2:00 PM
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From time to time we invite guests to post about subjects of interest and today we’re pleased to share a post from Guy Willoughby, Executive Director of the HALO Trust, a U.K.-based nonprofit dedicated to landmine clearance in post-conflict areas. Hear...
Explore the Galapagos’ biodiversity with Street View
maps and earth
- on 8:00 PM
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This week marks the 178th anniversary of Darwin’s first exploration of the Galapagos Islands. This volcanic archipelago is one of the most biodiverse and unique places on the planet, with species that have remarkably adapted to their environment. Through...
Scaling the heights of the Eiffel Tower
Cultural Institute,
maps and earth
- on 8:59 PM
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Since its construction in 1889, more than 250 million people have visited Paris’ iconic Eiffel Tower. The highest monument in the world for more than 40 years (today that title is held by Burj Khalifa in Dubai), the Eiffel Tower remains the most visited...
A new Google Maps app for smartphones and tablets
maps and earth,
- on 3:30 PM
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Today we’re introducing a new Google Maps app for Android smartphones and tablets, also coming soon to iPhone and iPad. It’s a new mapping experience that makes exploring the world and getting to the places that matter to you a lot faster and easier....
A new way to experience the 100th Tour de France
maps and earth
- on 1:00 AM
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This year, the Tour de France is celebrating its 100th edition with a special route, from Corsica to Les Champs-Elysées, giving people around the world the chance to admire beautiful sights as well as amazing athletic feats. Our recent Doodle celebrating...
Only clear skies on Google Maps and Earth
maps and earth
- on 11:03 PM
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To celebrate the sunny days of summer (in the northern hemisphere at least), today we're launching new satellite imagery for Google’s mapping products. This stunning global view is virtually cloud-free and includes refreshed imagery in more locations—giving...
Experience stunning new heights with Street View in Dubai
maps and earth
- on 6:00 PM
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What does it feel like to stand on top of the tallest building in the world? To give you a better sense of how that may feel, we took Street View to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, our first-ever collection in the Arab World. Described as a “vertical city,”...
Google Maps and Waze, outsmarting traffic together
maps and earth
- on 10:30 PM
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We’ve all been there: stuck in traffic, frustrated that you chose the wrong route on the drive to work. But imagine if you could see real-time traffic updates from friends and fellow travelers ahead of you, calling out “fender bender...totally stuck...
Capturing the beauty and wonder of the Galapagos on Google Maps
maps and earth
- on 11:00 PM
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The Galapagos Islands are some of the most biologically unique ecosystems in the world. Explorers and scientists alike have long studied and marveled at these islands—made famous by Charles Darwin. The Ecuadorean Government, local conservation groups...
Live from Google I/O: Mo’ screens, mo’ goodness
chrome + chrome os,
maps and earth,
- on 1:48 AM
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This morning, we kicked off the 6th annual Google I/O developer conference with over 6,000 developers at Moscone Center in San Francisco, 460 I/O Extended sites in 90 countries, and millions of you around the world who tuned in via our livestream. Over...
A picture of Earth through time
maps and earth
- on 6:20 PM
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Today, we're making it possible for you to go back in time and get a stunning historical perspective on the changes to the Earth’s surface over time. Working with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), NASA and TIME, we're releasing more than a quarter-century...
Bridging the gaps with Street View
maps and earth
- on 11:00 PM
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Recently we sent our Street View cars driving through the historic seaport town of Kaliningrad (the modern name for Koenigsberg) in Russia as part of our quest to keep Google Maps comprehensive, accurate and useful. While there, we were reminded of a...
Matt Harding: Around the world, one dance at a time with Google Maps
maps and earth
- on 11:00 PM
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Today is International Dance Day, a celebration of a universal art form that spans cultures and countries. But dancing isn’t just limited to holidays. Since 2003, Matt Harding has famously been dancing his way across the globe with people from all walks...
Celebrating the 50th country on Street View
maps and earth
- on 11:00 PM
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Whether you're planning a summer vacation to visit the Colosseum or exploring potential neighborhoods for your next move, Street View gives you instant access to the places you want to see—even before you leave the house. We launched Street View in 2007...
Imagery on Google Maps of Fukushima Exclusion Zone Town Namie-machi
maps and earth
- on 3:36 AM
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From time to time we invite guests to post about items or interest and are pleased to have Mister Tamotsu Baba, Mayor of Namie-machi, Fukushima, Japan, join us here. - Ed.Namie-machi is a small city in Fukushima Prefecture sitting along the coast of...
Explore Everest, Kilimanjaro and more with Google Maps
maps and earth
- on 11:00 PM
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Most of us have a bucket list of the places we want to visit in our lifetime. If you’re like me, the list is pretty long—to be honest I’d be lucky to get to all of mine. Google Maps has a bucket list too, and today we’re checking off a couple of our...
Public Alerts for Google Search, Google Now and Google Maps available in Japan
crisis response,
maps and earth,
- on 1:00 PM
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With nearly 5,000 earthquakes a year, it’s important for people in Japan to have crisis preparedness and response information available at their fingertips. And from our own research, we know that when a disaster strikes, people turn to the Internet...
Exploring the Grand Canyon on Google Maps
maps and earth
- on 6:00 PM
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Whether you’re planning an upcoming hike, or want to learn more about the Earth’s geological history, Google Maps can help. Today, we’re releasing panoramic imagery of one of the world’s most spectacular national monuments: the Grand Canyon. These beautiful,...