How to Find a Reliable Web Hosting Partner [Infographic]

Your website or blog is as good as the webhost that powers it. A web host is as important to your blog/website as an engine is for a vehicle. It usually is the factor that dictates whether your website can offer a predominantly positive or a lousy user experience. And if we’re not careful, we might fall for those web hosting companies that are only good at doing marketing stunts, but doesn’t focus on their service’s dependability at all. I’ll admit that in the beginning, I too fell victim to those hosts that offer domains for less than $5 a month. Over time though, I have smartened up. I finally realized that the errors and the frequency of slow loading time they’re causing my site is losing far more money than I’m saving.

If you’re currently on that dilemma, where you’re just starting to see how badly you’re mistaken in your selection. Then you have to add ‘seamless transition’ as one of the benefits of the web hosting company you’re going to switch to. On this infographic, you should consider other important factors you should be looking for in a web host.

How to Find a Reliable Web Hosting Partner. Some Important Web Hosting Checklist!

Author Bio:
Daniel A. Schultz love writing blogs, stories, poems and reading as well as collecting quotes & inspirational stuffs. He currently makes a living as an affiliate marketer where he spends most of his day telling people what is Amway review.

Truth Behind Unlimited Hosting [Infographic]

Before we seek the truths behind unlimited web hosting, we first need to get something out of the way. We need to point out an obvious fact that there really isn’t anything on this earth that deserves the tag “unlimited” other than the insatiable desire of humankind to consume more. The gist of every argument that we would bump into while on the topic of unlimited web hosting is that everything – including information, consumes resources. For all the promises these hosting companies make, their data centers are being powered by engineers, innovators and not to mention are power hogs.

Armed with these arguments, it’s why we’ve set out to discover the obscure facts that web hosting companies often likes to keep to themselves. We’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to. We’ve scoured those puny imprints; those fonts not ordinarily used unless you’re severely lacking space or you do not want people to catch it at first glance. On this infographic, the visualization of our efforts can be seen.

The Limits Of Unlimited Hosting!

Author Bio:
Albert E. Lewis is an online entrepreneur. He also believes firmly in giving back to the community and the world at large. Hence, he feels it is his duty to tell everyone within his circle about the Lyoness cashback program and the opportunities that lies with it.

How to Attract More Visitors to Your Blog

Blogging has become a modern way of making some extra income over the internet. Due to more blogs coming up, competition among bloggers goes up such that a blogger who can attract the highest number of visitors is in better chances of earning more. Thus, there is need to learn how to attract more visitors to your blog. This can be done by following these tips:

Quality blogs:

In order to attract more visitors, you need to write creative blogs that will keep visitors coming back to read more of your blogs. The blogs should be of quality content such that the information is informative to the readers and is written with correct grammar. For instance, poor quality content in blogs will fail to attract visitors. Once a visitor finds poor content that is not informative in your blog, chances are that the visitor may never visit your blog again. Thus, the better the quality of your blogs, the more the visitors it can attract.

Post content often:

To ensure that you get more visitors, it is of uttermost importance to regularly post high quality content. Once a visitor reads a particular article, chances are that he or she will not read it again and again. Thus, it is advisable to post more content such that visitors will keep on visiting your blog for more. This also enhances chances of your blogs appearing in search engine results.

Submitting blogs to search engines:

Another important way of attracting more visitors is by submitting links of your blogs to major search engines. For instance, Google and Yahoo offer submission capabilities so that your content can be included in search results whenever visitors visit search engines. In such instances, you should ensure that you write content that features search engine optimization such that there can be better chances of your content ranking higher in search results of search engines.

Learn more on Getting more visitors to your blog through Google, from our article: How To Get On Top Of Google!


You should ensure that you allow comments in your blogs so as visitors can leave some feedback or comment about your blog. Once a comment is left, you should ensure that you respond to it so as to ensure that the visitor notes you value his or her comment. This can lead to more visits and discussions whereby such visitors can be your royal blog visitors.

Moreover, you should comment on other blogs and leave links to your blogs in the comments you make. This ensures that there are more chances of gaining more visitors, just like in the case of attracting more YouTube views. You should ensure that you leave comments on other blogs that are meaningful and not spamming other blogs with links. Better quality comments, not just a link, would increase chances of attracting more visitors to your blog.

Social media:

You should also ensure that you utilize the power of social media such that you can leave comments on pages with links to your blogs. You can also create pages on social media that markets your blogs and this can offer better chances of attracting more visitors to your blogs.

With such tips on mind, attracting more visitors to your content on blogs will be easier.

Author Bio:
Roman is an experienced social media marketer who runs his own company. He is interested in YouTube marketing and blogging particularly on internet marketing.

What The Changes In Google Panda Mean For Your Website

What The Changes In Google Panda Mean For Your Website

Google is always going through some changes. The fact is that most of the changes do not mean that much to the average website. They are made simply to fine tune the search engine in the way it is providing the most useful results to the people using the site. Of course, the latest changes in Google Panda have meant a lot more to different websites.

It is the reason why it is important to get the best help in understanding the changes and making the necessary changes to your site so you are getting the best results.

With more than 24 updates to Google Panda so far, you will need the help of the experts in a London SEO agency to navigate the best way to keep up. You will also need to make sure that you are investing in the right kind of link building.

Additionally, you will need to make sure that you are able to use the Google online tools correctly so that you are getting the results you are looking for even with the changes to Panda. This will allow you to have the most successful website for your money.

Hiring the Right London SEO Agency

The London SEO agency understands all of the updates to Google Panda. They make it their business to stay up with all of the latest updates so that they will be able to provide the kind of assistance you need to have the most successful website.

They can provide the assistance necessary to make sure that you are have the right content on site and off site so that you are getting the kind of traffic that your site needs.

Proper Link Building for Your Site

One of the biggest things that Panda was created to prevent was the trend of mass link building. Websites were literally creating hundreds of new links to their sites every day in mass marketing schemes. This took advantage of the search engine algorithms that looked past unnatural link building and ranked simply based on the number of links that were dedicated to the website itself.

Today, it is necessary to make sure that only natural links are being produced in a manner that will not attract the attention of Panda.

Proper Usage of Google Online Tools

Google online tools help you to create the best site for more traffic. You can use these tools to make sure you do not have any unnatural links leading back to your site. If there are, you will be able to identify what they are and eliminate them. Make sure you are using these tools often so that you are able to stay in line with the requirements from Google Panda and you will be able to get the best results from your site.

As you are following this advice, you will realize that Google Panda is not such a scary thing after all. It is actually something that can be effectively used in more ways than you more than likely thought before. Your website will become profitable while others slowly fade away from the picture of your respective industry.

Author Bio:
This article was written by Glenn. Glenn has been a content writer for a number of years and has enjoyed personally working for a London SEO agency himself. He also enjoys writing about such topics as relationships, finance, business development and SEO marketing.

What To Look For In A Web Host?

The Internet has become a mainstream means of communication and source of information. These days any serious business from a sole trader to a multinational corporation needs to have a website. Of course creating a site means finding somewhere to host it and this is an important decision. If your Web host is unreliable it reflects badly on your business so it’s vital to spend some time selecting the right provider. There’s plenty of choice when it comes to website hosting, Cape Town and other cities are likely to have many providers so here are some of the things you need to look out for.

Reliability and Speed:

Reliability is perhaps the most important factor; if your website is unavailable you’ve lost a vital part of your company’s operation. If you sell products directly online then this is even more important as all the time it’s down you’ll be losing orders. Internet users tend to have limited patience and if your site is down they’ll seek out a competitor rather than wait for it to come back.

Speed is almost as important. If your site takes too long to load or slows down during times of peak demand then again you’ll lose business as potential customers surf away elsewhere.


Bandwidth refers to the amount of traffic – the number of bytes of data – transferred from your site when people access it. Hosting companies often charge for bandwidth so you need to ensure that you understand what you’re paying for. If there’s a monthly limit – usually in gigabytes – make sure that this is going to be enough for your needs. If you’re expecting to see a sudden spike in traffic, as a result of an advertising campaign say, then make sure this won’t push you over your allowance and land you with extra charges.

Even if a host says it offers unlimited bandwidth there will usually be some sort of fair use limitation. Take some time to read the small print of what’s on offer to ensure that you don’t run into any hidden charges. It can sometimes be difficult to foresee bandwidth requirements so a transparent pricing policy will help you to manage your expenditure.

Storage Space:

Most hosts offer packages that have differing amounts of disk space. You may find that you need less than you think, ordinary websites are quite small in size. The only time you’re likely to run into limits is if you’re hosting large numbers of music and video files. Again beware of fair use limits on ‘unlimited storage’ deals that may well trip you up if you exceed them.

Technical Support:

Your website is a key part of your business so you need to be sure you can get support to help you deal with problems. Things often go wrong at the least convenient times so you need to make sure your chosen host offers 24/7 support. Check to see if their support staff members are available on public holidays too.

Scripting and Shopping:

Scripts are often used on websites to implement specific features, visitors’ books for example. Some hosting providers won’t allow you to install scripts without their permission so check to see if this is the case. It will slow down the implementation of a new site if you have to wait for the host’s approval before you can roll out changes.

If you’re planning on selling directly from your website then you need to ensure that the host supports SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to allow you to collect payments safely. Also find out if you’re restricted to using their shopping cart facility or if you can implement your own.

These are the key considerations but there are others too and it’s always worth checking reviews left by other users or asking the company if you can talk to some existing customers before you sign up.

Author Bio:
Jann Webb is a freelance writer and former Web designer and recommends comparing several options for website hosting, Cape Town and other major cities should offer plenty of choice.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Before I begin creating a content strategy or analysing the existing content in a website, I try to get as clear as I can about who is in my target audience. If you're thinking that your website should appeal to everyone in the entire world, you haven't narrowed things down enough yet. Trying to reach everyone is not only impossible, it can make it a lot harder to reach the people who matter most.

If you work for a big company or an organisation, you probably want to start this process by talking with people in the marketing department, the sales team, customer support; these folks have thought a lot about the audience. But if you are working with a smaller company, you may need to do some of this research yourself and help identify the best audience to target with the content you are going to create.

Either way, the tips and suggestions in this article are designed to help you appreciate why getting as specific as you can about your audience, can help ensure that your content is effective and well received by the right people. Here are a few of the characteristics to consider as you define your target audience. The first one is demographics. That's a big word that represents many things to many people, but it's generally used to mean things like gender, race, age, mobility--whether somebody is in a wheelchair or they are a marathon runner--economic status, employment status, location--meaning where they live, if it's an urban or rural setting-- those kinds of things.

As you identify your target audience, you may also want to consider some more specific elements, like language requirements, what education level or reading level they are likely to have, whether they've ever used a computer before or they are very experienced with computers. If you are developing a website for people who are gamers, for example, you can probably assume a high level of experience-- other audiences, maybe not so much. Similarly, computer equipment and bandwidth can affect not only usability issues, but what kind of content you create, whether you can have multimedia and other formats. So all of that comes into identifying how you decide what kind of content, things like what reading level you're going to write for, what formats to use, again, whether you are going to use video or animations.

Does your audience have the bandwidth to support that? And again what languages to use, what cultural references and things like that. So the more specific you get on that demographic information, the more you identify what kind of audience, the more informed you are as you start to make decisions like these. For example, if I'm designing a website for veterinarians I would probably use far more sophisticated vocabulary than I would use for pet owners. I will give you an example of that at the end.

But before I do, the more specific you can get about your audience, the better. So what else can we learn about our example pet owners? Again, much of it comes down to asking the right questions. Are the customers of big commercial ranchers with herds and pigs and cows, or are they city dwellers, more likely to have companion pets such as cats, dogs, fish and birds? Also consider what you might know about your own community and do some research on what other people know about your community. If our example was in Silicon Valley, California, you'd probably know you are in the heart of the dotcom world, and you could probably assume that most of your audience was computer savvy and had relatively high bandwidth.

If you were on Miami Beach in South Florida, a little research might reveal that most people who live on South Beach live in high-rise condos, and most of those condos restrict their residents to pets that weigh no more than thirty pounds. That kind of detail can help you determine, for example, that you might want more content about small dogs than big ones. As you research your audience keep asking yourself, what makes my visitors different from everyone else in the world? Some designers go so far as to create what they call user personas. User personas give specific examples of what key customer types might be like. Having a specific user persona with a name and a back story can help you humanise demographics.

So for example, we might create Michaela, a 10-year-old girl who has her first puppy and can't wait to train it to do tricks. But even then, remember that we might be marketing to her parents more than to her. Other user personas might be someone like George, a small business owner who dotes on his white cockatoo that he keeps in his office. Creating user personas can be fun, but I have to warn you: as helpful as it can be to personify your audience, creating user personas can become a distraction all by itself. If you are working on a pet site and you find yourself imagining what paint colours your customers might choose for their dining room, you're probably getting a little too specific with your user personas.

As a content strategist, you should know that lots of marketing people, user interface designers, and others love creating user personas. And many writers find it extremely helpful to have a specific person in mind as they write. Just don't get too bogged down at this stage in the process. Ultimately, I recommend you define at least the basic characteristics of your audience and you use those to guide the content development. For our pet site example, let's assume we've done some research. We've interviewed a few people, we've studied the demographics of our neighbourhood, and we've come up with the following.

Our audience is made up of urban professionals. We don't have to get more specific than that, but we could. Our target language is going to be English. We may want to change that in the future, but for now, that's what we've identified. We are going to assume most of them have at least some college education, based on where they live, that they are relatively computer savvy, and that they are most likely visiting our website on a desktop computer, although increasingly we're seeing traffic on smart phones and tablets, and that will also influence some of our content development.

Sometimes you need to target very specific content to something like a smart phone. Once we agree that our website is for urban pet owners and not veterinarians for example, then we can start to agree that we should use simpler vocabulary, not big fancy scientific terms.

Author Bio:
Sadhiv Mahandru has been involved in online marketing for over a decade covering PPC, Affiliate Marketing, SEO, Content Creation and also creating effective websites. Providing SEO & Web Design and offering these services throughout the UK. You can also learn more about Internet Marketing and SEO by reading my own blog which is updated frequently.

Challenge: Can You Install New Theme In Your WP Site In 10 Minutes

Hi WordPress users! Are you running out of excitement? And, your WP site is going bore day by day with monotones look & feel then you should take challenge of manual theme installation in 10 minutes. Believe it, it will be a fun ride. You will experience something new this time. Managing your WP site is game of kids now; you should add excitement and confidence on your WP experience by taking this challenge. Technically, it is a very simple process. You just need to follow below mentioned steps precisely to keep yourself away from taking costly WordPress development services. You just need to follow each word precisely of this post and take help from pictures includes with this posts.

Find Your Theme:

If you have not chosen any theme yet then you should do this now as the very first step of your virtual roller costar ride. There are millions of millions themes are available over web. You just need to find a perfectly suitable theme for your website from free themes and premium themes. It will be useful to get a new premium theme like Thesis, Genesis, or HeadWay because you can make changes in the look & feel of these themes. If you want some designing related customization then you should also take WordPress development services with these themes and hire a good designer to make necessary changes in the premium theme of your website.

In case, you do not want any customization then you can head on to installation of your theme manually in your website.

Your Time IS Up, Install the theme:

You will be amazed after knowing the fact that you just need to upload your theme on your web server. On going further in the installation process, you will have to make few settings active from the administration area. In this way, you should ensure that the uploading of your new theme should be in done in proper manner. Further, you can install the directory on this [/public_html/wp-content/themes/] path.

After completion of uploading process, you can reach over (Appearance) section of your WP dashboard to select your uploaded theme for activating in your website. You must be thinking that this process will last for two or three hours but it only lasts for few minutes. However, your proficiency in creating directory and using WordPress dashboard’s basic settings can make difference. Therefore, you should try to practice your dashboard. 

It is sure that you would have enjoyed new theme installation in your WP website. You will now be thinking about your adventures journey from a fearful WP user to an informed WordPress user. If you have not found the theme in your Appearance section then you should follow the directory creation and directory uploading process in a right manner. It will help you in enjoying the success in uploading the theme in your WP site. By precisely following the process, you will surely get success in the theme installation process. In case, you still feel issues then you can approach your WordPress coder for the same. On approaching WP developer, you should also ask your coder to make necessary SEO related changes in your theme to get the support from theme in earning good ranks at leading search engines.

Author Bio:
Nick Carter has  experience in web design and development. He is currently working for wordpress development company. Hire wordpress developers to get best services for wordpress theme customization.

How To Move Your Blogspot Blog To Your Own Domain

If you own a blogger, someone is hosting your website for you. Unless you own your own server, all the pictures, videos, songs and other content on your blog are stored elsewhere on a machine constantly running so the files are always available.
Some successful bloggers do get their own servers because the amount of control over their own work is that much greater. If you find yourself ready to host your own blog but you don’t know how to move it to your own domain, you’re in luck. Here’s how you can move a Blogspot blog to your own domain.

First, Have a Domain

            You will need your own domain or some host besides Blogspot if you want to move your blog to the former from the latter. The list of these providers is a lengthy one but companies like GoDaddy are especially popular.
            Once you’ve figured out what provider you want to go with, you’ll need to get all set up and everything. Before you move y our Blogspot blog, log into your account at whatever place is hosting your domain, or get your personal server ready for some new information.

Prepare It

           Once you’re all set to move things over, you must prepare your domain to accept the requests which will come from Blogspot. To do this is a little complicated but easy enough with some directions. You will need to look for the Domain Control Center on your page.
           If you can find it, then you’ll need to look for Total DNS Control. This is where you will add a new CNAME based on the URL you provide. It’s only a small adjustment you need to make so don’t worry about big changes here. It’s not much work at all.

Change Settings on Blogspot

           Now you’ll need to go to your Blogspot account and prepare it to send the information over to your personal domain. This is a small, short and sweet process about as simple as the prior step. Once you’re logged in on your Blogspot, Go to your settings and re-confirm them with the new information and address you specified to make sure your blog is going to the right page and you’re done.
          No muss, no fuss, you won’t even have to break a sweat to get this done. Beware though, there are some consequences to moving your blog from Google to your personal place.

Backlinks Will Be Lost

          This is a big deterrent to established bloggers who wish to split up and make their own name. Any backlinks you’ve made will all become irrelevant as they’ll be linking to a website which doesn’t exist. The updates would take you an awful long time if you have a lot of links already, so this move is recommended only for fresh or experienced bloggers starting with something new.
          You could keep making money on your Blogspot blog while making another one with your name somewhere else, right? There’s no need to ruin a good thing.

Author Bio:
Miles Carson is a freelance writer who contributes to many websites including If you want detailed information on setting up your own blog, check out the website and being reading!

Using Google Webmaster Tools

Using Google Webmaster Tools

Let's take a look at how to use the very basics of Google webmaster tools to learn what information Google has about your website as well as provide Google with a few instructions about how to index your pages. The first step is to go to and sign into your account. This requires a Google account and if you don't already have one you can head over to to create one. Once you are logged in you'll need to submit the domain you want to manage and in this case I will use my own website.

To protect your account and your website Google will need to verify that you actually own this domain and that you are authorised to see some critical details of this website. There are a few different verification methods that you can choose from but you will need to do this successfully before continuing. The options that you are your webmaster have include uploading a specific HTML file to your site, adding a specific meta tag to your source code or making a small change to your site DNS record.

Another helpful option is the Google analytics access method which you can use if you have Google analytics installed and administrative access to the account. Once you verify the website you will see a listing for in your main dash board with any important messages.

Clicking into this website will bring up a dashboard and a menu of all the different areas of webmaster tools. You can see some high-level information here around crawler errors and search queries.

And you can also get a quick view of the number of URLs you've submitted to your site maps and the number of URLs that Google has indexed. You can drill into the crawl error reports to look at what problems Google has had while crawling and indexing your site.

Crawl errors can hurt site in the Google search results. So it's important to identify the type of crawl error that is affecting your different URLs and take the appropriate steps to resolve those errors. This may include implementing 301 redirects or fixing some web server configurations. You may also need to remove references to pages that are no longer part of your site.

You can also click on the search queries reports which provide some interesting details about your organic search visibility. You can see impressions as well as how many clicks you got for different keywords. And you can also see the average positions your site was ranking in for different keywords over a given period of time. You can also use filters to look at specific search queries, different types of search, different countries or only queries that generated a certain volume of traffic.

There are lots of reports in sections of webmaster tools to review and I would encourage you to spend some time going through each for your own website.  The configuration section includes general settings like what country your website is targeting, what URL parameters are used on your pages and for what reasons and who else has access to the information in webmaster tools for your domain.

We have already looked at the crawler report but the health section contains additional functionality that lets you block Google from seeing certain pages of your site and also lets you know if you've been hacked.

You also want to check out the optimisation section. This is where you'll be able to review and submit your external site maps as well as take a look at the HTML improvement section to identify potential problems with your sites content that you can address immediately.

As you can see there are many other features to Google webmaster tools that you should explore. And there are always more new features coming out.  Google has done a very good job of letting you know how it views your pages and allowing you to provide input into what it knows about you. Staying on top of the world webmaster tools month after month is certainly an endeavour that will pay dividends.

Author Bio:
Sadhiv Mahandru has been involved in online marketing for over a decade covering PPC, Affiliate Marketing, SEO , Content Creation and also creating effective websites. Specialising in Search Engine Optimisation Manchester and providing services throughout the UK. You can learn more about Internet Marketing and SEO by reading my own blog which is updated frequently.

Increase Your Traffic With The Help Of Social Networks

One of the best ways to increase website’s traffic is via social networking. Before even the Google Penguin exists, social networks have made their mark in the marketing industry, as it is known to be one of the best and the most effective method to direct traffic from one’s social network to his website.

One of the best things about the traffic that is generated from social networks is that, about 30% of the traffic that comes from social networks turns out to be a fruitful one, as a person is able to make sales for his products and services. However one also has to encounter irrelevant traffic too!

Besides just traffic, it also helps in increasing the bounce rate of your website, and search engines specifically Google loves the websites that have a higher bounce rate, hence increasing your chances to get good rankings in search engine.

After Google Penguin, it has become a must for every person to do social media marketing for his webpage, as without that it is really very difficult to increase or even retain the current rankings in search engines specifically Google.

Following are some of the tips and tricks that would help you in increasing your website traffic with the help of social networks:

Bring out the brighter side:

             People these days prefer more humor than serious stuff, and this is because, for them internet has become a source of entertainment, and people take their time out from their busy schedule just to get entertained over the internet. So if you bring out the lighter side of your social network, then people would surely love to join and visit your website, and in that process you will be able to make some good sales too!

Brag about your social media page on other social networks:

            Promoting your website on a single social network is really not enough. In order to get maximum traffic and followers over your social network all you have to do is to brag about your social media page or even about your website over other social networks too, this would allow you to increase your web traffic dynamically and in minimum time frame. In order to post your desired content to over 50+ social sites for free, than all you have to do is to go with vKonnect, as it just takes few seconds to share your post over all these high PR social networks.

Ask your friends to refer their friends:

            In order to get good traffic on your main page, you need to have a good number of following / members along your side. In order to get more members and followers, ask your friends and family members to promote your social media page as much as they can, so that you can create a good following.


            In this article you will get to know how effectively you will be able to increase the traffic of your website with the help of your social networks, and all the factors that would help you in strengthening following are also mentioned in detail.

Is Your Blog a Deadzone? Maybe You Forgot to Do This

Have you hopped on the blog bandwagon in 2013? So many people have. They blog about personal finance, puppies, making money online, restaurant websites, and more.

There are millions of blogs out there - and it’s not like blog creation isn’t going to stop anytime soon. This makes your blog a tiny spec on a large radar of blogs.

So how do you get noticed?

            90% of starting a blog is simply keeping up with content - generating a list of ideas, writing, and editing. Many new bloggers think simply posting more content would get them to blog stardom, but the it gets you nowhere. You try a couple posts a week - or even daily posts for a couple of months. Ghosttown.

If you just write more, people won’t come.

Yeah, it’s harsh. But, it’s the truth.

         Simply writing makes it increasingly hard to get anyone to look at your blog. To get someone to spend a couple of minutes out of their hectic day to read your new post is more challenging than figuring out what flavor of ice cream to get at Baskin Robbins. (Ok, both are tough)

Why aren’t you getting more readers to your blog?

It’s simple. And it’s one word: PROMOTION.

That’s right! Promotion.

Prospective readers don’t know they have to look for your content because you’re not letting them know it’s there.

Lucky for you, you can get your content noticed in 5 easy steps. You’ve just got to be willing to do them! Here we go...

Promote Your Blog in 5 Easy Steps:

1.) Build a social media following (before you share)

             Starting a Twitter account or Facebook page from scratch is not an easy task. You’re in the single digits for followers for quite sometime. This means you’ve got to manually build your following. Start with friends and family, then move on to industry contacts, press, and locals who are active in social media. Make sure your account is active with tweets and posts so people know what you’re all about. Then, start promoting your content over social media.

2.) Start Making Friends - locally and online

             Social media activity leads to meeting people locally and exchanging emails with those farther away. Take advantage of these relationships and brainstorm ideas of how you can help each other out. This is the foundation of your network. Cherish it and nurture it.

3.) Promote Their Content First

            Before you ask for anything from your new network, do something for them, Read their content, share it on social media, comment, and get involved in the discussion. You could also offer to guest post (bloggers always need more content!). Doing things for them first sets you up for the “if I scratch your back, you scratch mine” mentality. You’ll get a big reward from these mutually-beneficial relationships.

4.) Spread the World About Your Content

            Now, it’s your turn. You’ve writen an amazing piece of content. You think this is the ticket to get your blog noticed? Then it’s time to call on your network. Send it to friends, family, and colleagues who you believe will get value out of your post and ask them to share it. You’ll get more traffic and strengthen your relationship. Congrats - Your viral snowball has just begun!

5.) Rinse and Repeat

           Many people share the same content (with different headlines and calls to action). This means promotion is never ending. In fact, it’s probably more important than actually writing content. Keep a log of the relationships you’ve built and who you haven’t followed up with in a while. Send them a quick note to see how you can help promote them - then get them to share your content. See how the cycle repeats?

Starting a blog isn’t easy. You’ve got to do a lot just to keep it populated with content. But that’s only half the battle. Promotion is where you should spend the bulk of your time. With these tips, you’ll have more readers - and subscribers - to your blog in no time.

Author Bio:
            Michael Adams is the Marketing Manager at Fourtopper. Fourtopper builds results-driven websites for restaurants by bringing more to the table. Follow them on twitter, too.

How to Get your Blog Noticed?

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Increase Visitors on Your Blog Using Social Networking

             Now with the increase of internet worldwide, power of blogging is also increasing rapidly. Everyday many blogs of same genre are being launched which is creating difficult for bloggers to bring users to their blogs. Bloggers has to make efforts to bring users to their blogs to make it popular. Social Networking has become very popular now and everyone is available on one or other social networking website like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn or Google plus.

             The "Facebook" is one of the best way to promote the blog and bring fans or friends to your blog. In order to increase the blog page in search result or attract more users, one has to work on Facebook's algorithm known as EdgeRank. It has been proven by scientists that  visual stimulation is more active in humans than reading something. By posting images and videos on Facebook page help in increasing the EdgeRank because users or followers will see the images or videos more interestingly and tend to comment or like. If more users visits your blog's Facebook page and comment or like your page so it will help to increase the EdgeRank similarly to Google page rank which depends on traffic. But the blogger should not forget the reason he/she has came to Facebook and don't focus on the content of the blog posts. The blogger should always remember that he/she is not Facebook marketer and thus not spend whole time on Facebook.

             The question is how to bring users from Facebook to the blog, so just add link to your blog in the about section of your facebook page. The reader might be thinking, it is obvious and blogger will do it, but I have seen hundreds of pages where bloggers or website owners have not done it. Now, how to make it popular among your friends, share your page link on your Facebook profile and share your blog posts on your Facebook page. It will surely help bloggers to bring users on their blogs.

            Twitter is also very helpful to bring users back to your blogs. It is very simple also, you just need to first figure out the peoples to whom the blogger is targeting. Just start follow those peoples and start sharing your blog post on Twitter. If blogger is using WordPress than blogger can install twitter plugin which will automatically tweet the blog post on twitter.

I hope, this will help many new bloggers or those who don't use Social Networking to promote their blogs to gain users for their blogs.

Author Bio:
             I am Maria Watson a counsellor and working with I try my best to help students identifying the right career goal and interest.

When Is It Time To Switch From Shared To VPS?

When Is It Time To Switch From Shared To VPS?

Upgrading a hosting plan is not necessarily a huge problem for most website owners, especially those who are just running personal blogs or having visitors here and there.  For the most part, one can stay on a shared hosting plan for as long as you want.  But when really is the time to switch from a shared hosting to a VPS plan?  Do you even need to?

But before we go on to the question, what is the difference between the two?  Shared hosting refers to the type of hosting where you share a server with multiple clients, allocating only a portion to you and your site, while VPS, or virtual private servers, is you getting a share of ownership on a server, you do share but you’re responsible for all its management, as in shared hosting, maintenance of the server is up to the hosting provider.

It’s advisable to start off your website on a shared hosting plan.  When you’re starting, you won’t need too much resources to begin with.  Think about it like renting a small office to put up your business.  You only need a room to put up your stuff and establish your brand name.  In a website, you only need a small space in the Internet to establish your online presence.

Nonetheless, of course, in the long run, there’s this option to expand when the need arises.  And that’s the same case with the upgrade from a shared hosting to VPS hosting plan.  At some point in your course, you will have to decide whether to switch or not.  But again, the question is when.

Compare your website to a business.  Say you have your own little office.  For some time, you were able to accommodate all visitors to your office without them feeling uncomfortable.  But once your business becomes the talk of the town and people come and go, you sure would feel the need to find a bigger place.  Same goes with hosting.  Once you constantly reach your bandwidth limit for months and you still know you’ll be experiencing the same (or even more), then it’s time to switch on a VPS plan.

Of course, top that up with earnings.  Stable earnings mean that you’re quite starting to have a solid foundation already.  So say you’re reaching $200 monthly on your site, then you could think about switching to a VPS plan.

Lastly, think about your future plans.  Again, in a physical office, you might want to build a solid group within your customers.  So you may do promotions, plan parties, and other activities.  Can your office accommodate that?  Similar thing with the hosting plan.  If you’re planning further activities to engage with your site’s fan base, do contests and other stuff, you may need to see if your current hosting can accommodate that.  If not, then it’s a green light to go to VPS hosting.

Other factors you may wanna think about are the slow loading times and frequent errors caused by the server.  It might mean that your current plan can’t handle it.  If you also share downloadable items online, then you might upgrade to VPS.

So, have you made a choice?  I would love to hear your feedback on this matter!

Author Bio:
              This article was written by Garen Arnold who runs one of the biggest web hosting review sites on the net.  He is on a mission to provide the most value on the topic of creating a website and helping people make good business decisions online. 

Get On Top Of Google

Get On Top Of Google

This article is to give you a very basic understanding of search engine optimisation and what it actually means to get your business on page one of Google.

Google is the ultimate way that businesses can find new clients and for new clients to find businesses. Let us say for example that you are a plumber in Cheadle and when someone types in the query ‘Cheadle plumber’ or any other variation to this, you want to make sure that your business is listed on page one. This is because if your site is appearing on page two, three, four and so on, you stand very little chance of finding any new clients as less than 15% of searches go beyond page one. Search engine optimisation is all about getting you on page one.

You might be asking yourself the question what did other businesses do to get on page one whereas other businesses are appearing on page five? Are the plumbers on page one better at plumbing than those on page five? The answer to this is no, but what has most likely to have happened is that the businesses that you find on page one have implemented what we call a search engine optimisation or SEO campaign.

Now there are a lot of factors that go into SEO and getting onto page one, but I will not be able to cover them all in one single article. But I will go over some of the basics. Firstly your website needs to be optimised for Google. When it comes to a website, there are certain things that Google will look for. This will include page titles, use of keywords and a good description tag. These are the basic areas that need to be covered and are quite straight forward.

Recommended: Blogging Tools For Keyword Research!

There are some things that people tend to forget about and the main one is the importance of content on your website. You need to be engaging the viewers of your website. Your content needs to be relevant to what they are looking for. Google has actually started paying attention to various metrics on your website such as how many times people comes to your website and leave without going onto a second page. This is known as bounce rate, and if yours is high then it will prove more challenging for you to rank on page one.

So let us say that someone has typed in ‘plumber Cheadle’ and they visit your website but 70% of people do not go past page one; this means your website is not really relevant for that particular keyword that you are hoping to rank for. As a result of this, Google will push your website further towards the back. Your website needs to be highly relevant and it needs to be compelling. You need users to come to your website, read one page and to visit as many other pages as possible. My message to you is to content and to add it constantly.

The next part is all about building links to your website and your content should hopefully be good enough where users will be linking back to you from their website. Link building is what will tell Google just how important your website is. If you have a lot of other websites linking back to you, your website will be considered highly relevant and Google pays attention to this.

It is also very important that you are in the social media game. This means that you have accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc and you are frequently using these sites as well. Google is taking all of this data to generate information on businesses and in particular which businesses are relevant for particular searches. If you are not utilising these free services then you really need to as the impact on your SEO campaign can be dramatic.

What does it actually means to be on page one?

             Well just imagine potentially hundreds or even thousands of free leads every single month. The businesses that are listed on page one of the organic listings are receiving free traffic. Just imagine a high traffic key phrases that is driving potential customers to your site and remember you do not have to pay for this traffic. In the long term you are generating more leads, more business and more revenue than any of your competition on page two and beyond.

This was just a sample article covering SEO and the essential key elements that you must take on board if your aim is to be on the first page of Google and to also stay there.

Author Bio:
              Sadhiv Mahandru has been developing websites and optimising them for over a decade. Specialising in Search Engine Optimisation Manchester and provides a high quality service throughout the UK. You can read a lot more about SEO, Link Building and Social Media by reading my personal blog which is frequently updated.