Surprising Technology You Didn't Know Was Available

In essence, technology can be used to sum up the human condition. It personifies our creativity as a species, our ambition to do things that it was thought could never be done and our determination to constantly develop something so that it pushes the boundaries of modern day ideology.

Technology is always changing and its inability to stand still is something that captivates our interest and means that there is always something new for us to fixate on. However, whilst a lot of technology makes big headlines and is splashed all over the media; there are certain things that you won’t even be aware of. This is not to say that they are not as exciting, interesting or life changing as the products which receive plenty of tech PR though, as there are sure to be many things on this list that will delight any technology fan.

The Vertical Ship:

Vertical Ship
Most people would see the bow of a ship poking out of the ocean and immediately assume a tragic accident had occurred. However that would be a conclusion too quickly jumped to if the ship in question was this remarkable ship that is being used by the US navy. The best thing about this is that it has been in action for over 50 years now and I’m willing to bet that most people reading this would have never heard of it. The ship is built to be fully functional in both a vertical and horizontal position and can easily switch between the two.

Printable Body Parts:

Printable Body Parts
I’m sure most people have heard about 3D printers by now and the technology for these has actually been around since the late 80s, but it has recently moved on a step further to allow the creation of body tissue. Although the organs that have been printed so far are not full size and couldn’t be used within a human body; they can be used to do tests and explain conditions a lot clearer to patients who have certain defects. It is hopeful that the technology will be developed to eventually allow us to print usable human organs. You can be sure that when this breakthrough happens it will receive its fair share of tech PR and media coverage.

Pebble Watch:

Pebble Watch
Eric Migicovsky, the creator of the pebble watch, simply wanted a way to check his smartphone without falling off his bike, but he ended up creating something that has been part of technology based fiction for many years now. Social technology is constantly becoming more portable and more accessible to us wherever we are in the world and this is the latest development. Users simply sync their pebble watch to their smartphone and it will display all of their messages, emails and other notifications on its small screen. It first came to market after an investment from US based funding company ‘Kickstarter’ and now Sony, Apple and Samsung are fighting for the share of the Smartwatch market.

Smart Glass:

It seems that everything these days is getting an upgrade to a ‘Smart’ version of itself. We’ve had Smartphones, Smart TVs and we’ve just discovered Smartwatches, but now we also have Smart Glass. In the wake of new environmental regulations; it is now more important than ever to try and build homes that are eco-friendly, and this new kind of glass is the latest revelation. It is coated with a layer of indium tin oxide and can block out heat and light when an electric current is passed through it. Homeowners spend hundreds of pounds a year on heating and cooling their properties and this new development could make things a lot cheaper and easier. Although this is good news for fans of technology and energy efficiency; it could be curtains for blind makers.

Image Credit: Wikimedia.

Author Bio:
Chris Mayhew is a big fan of technology and loves discovering lesser known things that could potentially be life changing. He would recommend Eclat Marketing to any technology company looking to get the word out about their products.

How Safe Is Cloud Storage?

risks in Cloud Storage
Last week, I was sitting around talking to a friend about how he lost his data on his computer, but he had it all backed up on an external hard drive. It brought up the subject of him losing that hard drive or it getting lost/stolen – leading to the idea of cloud storage. He questioned whether cloud storage is safe or not. Cloud services have changed IT entirely for businesses across a wide range of areas. But as more and more companies rely on the cloud for storage, syncing, and computing, hackers are targeting popular cloud services for the sensitive information stored there. Yes, the companies that provide cloud storage are responsible in keeping our data secure, but we should also look at what we can do as consumers and make cloud storage safer for our data.

To begin, let’s answer the question: what exactly is the cloud storage? In essence, it is a model of networked enterprise storage where data is stored not only in the user's computer, but also in virtualized pools of storage which are generally hosted by third parties. From music files to pictures to sensitive documents, the cloud invisibly backs up your files and folders and avoids the potentially endless and costly search for extra storage space. An alternative to purchasing an external hard drive or deleting old files to make room for new ones, cloud storage is convenient and cost-effective. It works by storing your files on a server on the internet rather than on your local hard drive, allowing you to back up, sync, and access your data across multiple devices as long as they have internet capability.

If you wish to store information virtually, however, you must consider the added risk that your information may be accessible to others -- potentially people who you do not wish to have access. Outlined below are a few security risks to take into account and how to protect yourself and your data.

Cloud computing is a relatively new tool for the average consumer. It is important to explore the service that most fits your needs.

The first step in using the cloud service is to choose a provider that fits your needs. Some points to take into consideration on your search are:

  1. Are the company’s security standards appropriate? - Do some research for your needs. Make sure that the company has a good reputation and solid security policies. Remember, this company holds your trust to store your personal information.
  2. How much data storage do you need? Look at sites with a realistic expectation of the size you need to store all your files. Most companies charge by the amount of storage you are requesting.
  3. Is your data encrypted when being uploaded or downloaded from the cloud? Make sure that your browser or app requires an encrypted connection before you upload or download your data. Always look for the “https://” or the padlock beside the URL in your browser.
  4. Is your data encrypted when stored in the cloud? Read the terms of service to find this information; often your data will be stored on the cloud server with no encryption, this means that anyone that has (or can get) high level access to that server will be able to read your files. This may not be an issue for many files, but you should carefully consider what kind of information you are storing in the cloud and whether you are comfortable with some other person you don’t know accessing it. At a minimum, no data that is protected by law (medical information, personal identifiers, financial data) should be stored in the cloud unless the storage solution is encrypted and you know who can decrypt it (it should only be you or your organization) and for what reason.
  5. Learn and understand how access is shared with your cloud folder: Many cloud storage providers allow you to share access to your online folders with other people. Be sure you know in details and understand how this works. Can they read only or can they change the file? Will you know who changed a file last? If you share the file with a group, can you see who all is in the group? Are you notified if the group changes? Does the service allow you to make files public? If you do, are your personal details (name, account, email, etc.) attached to that file if a stranger looks at it?
  6. Know your options if the cloud provider should be hacked or should lose your data: Many of these companies require that you sign their terms and conditions before they allow you to use the service. In the vast majority of cases, these conditions state that you have very little, if any, remedy if anything bad should happen. Be aware of what you are signing away.
Once you have found the service that best caters to your needs, it is important to make your data as safe as possible.

Here are some general rules that you should follow for all your internet habits, but particularly for your data storage:

  1. Pick a good password: All cloud services require a master password to get into your files, so make it a good one, something that is pretty long and not easy for others to hack. When it comes to passwords, longer is better. True, it can be a hassle to remember a strong password but it’s an even bigger hassle to have your information stolen.
  2. Don’t reuse your passwords: The password you choose to access the cloud should be unlike any other password you use. If a hacker gets access to your Facebook password which may also be the password to your email, they will not only have a clear view of where you hold financial accounts, but they will be able to reset all of your passwords without your knowledge.
  3. Don’t share your passwords: Even with a trusted friend, sharing your password is never a good idea. The more people who know your password, the more likely it is to be spread around. Your password is the lock to your information; don’t let more people have access to it than necessary.
  4. Back up your data: The same way you back up your computer’s hard drive, back up your cloud storage data. Some companies are out there that offer a small amount of storage free of cost. Take advantage of this and make sure you have your most important data backed up in case of an unexpected loss.
Image Credit: Thinkstockphotos.

Author Bio:
Youa is a blogger from Minneapolis who enjoys reading about all things tech-related. She’s a fan of local businesses, like RJS Software, who always have something fun to say on their tech blog.

How Much Is A Site Worth?

How much is a site worth
Most buyers consider the net profit made by the website annually plus some percentage higher than this amount. Suppose, for example, a website’s annual net profit amounts to $100,000.00 a buyer may multiply this amount with 1.5 and give an offer of $150,000.00 as the buying price for the entire website.

For a client, determining the value of his or her website is a difficult task.Here are some of the bases when pricing them:

  • Sales and Profit numbers and trends.
  • Traffic numbers and trends.
  • Age of the business.
  • Domain name value.
  • Industry sector trends and outlook.
  • Business growth potential.
  • Proprietary or non-proprietary products.
  • Unique content.
  • Inventory count (if applicable).
  • Advertising methods and costs.
  • Personnel expertise needed to operate the business.
  • Seller financing.
  • Non-compete terms.
At the core of the valuation process, the seller needs to determine the net profit of the website. To arrive at the actual net profit of the website requires subtracting all the expenses incurred in the course of running the website from the total revenues made. It is recommended that this calculation is based on a period of 12 months. After determining this amount, the seller may select a multiplier value. In majority of cases, for new websites, this value is set at 1.5. For high risk websites, this value ranges between 0.5 and 1.0; and for well established websites, the value may be between 1.5 and 2.5. It is important to note that this values presented here are based on websites with transactions over $1,000,000.00 over a period of a couple of years.

When you should sell your website?

To many website owners, their site is like their brainchild. To others, owning a website is a dream come true. Many owners would be hesitant to sell their website for sentimental reasons, but business is business and you bought that site before in order to gain profit. So, when is the right time to have your website listed for sale in a website brokerage like the BizBroker24?

There are several indicators that the right time has come for you to dispose your site and gain profit from the sale.

First, when the economy is healthy and buyers are offering good prices, it is probably time for you to sell your website. The economy fluctuates and you might regret it when it starts going down again, and along with its downward spiral goes the price offered for websites. You can wait for the price to go up but this might take months or years, when your site is not as attractive as it is today.

Second, you may consider it the right time to sell your website when you have just received a very good offer. This is an opportunity that is difficult to take for granted. Opportunity knocks only once so, grab it. You might not have that kind of offer anymore in your entire career as a website owner and internet businessman.

Third, you are in the period of your life when you want to relax and have fun for a while. You could have worked for so many years already and you think you need an important holiday. You are already tired of spending time and money on your websites. Well, it is time to sell your site and enjoy the profit from the sales.

Fourth, one reason why you must sell your site is the fact that you are interested in doing something else. You might want an office job, go abroad or have an offline business. It will be a punishment for you to run a site and perform tasks that you hate so, follow your mind’s direction. Sell that site and do something new.

Fifth, it is time for you to sell a website when you notice that your income from it is falling down. Sell your website before the situation becomes worse and before your website becomes worthless. You will have difficulty making it perform as it used to do before.

Sixth, you need to move fast. Some of you would not sell your website because you are still waiting for a better offer but what if the dream will not come. What could happen is that you will be saddled with a website that has little worth or value.

Seventh, there is a threat in your niche. For instance, you are selling health products. Then, there are several products that are similar with what you sell that are cheaper yet, better than what you have. You will have reason to foresee losing your customers over to the sites that promote the new product. This could be the time to seriously consider selling your website.

Success in selling a website is mostly dependent on timing. Offer it for sale when you think everything is on your favors and you will surely get a good price for it.

About BizBroker24:
BizBroker24 is specialized in the listing and sales of websites and internet businesses. BizBroker24 represent the worldwide leader in Website Brokerage Service. Business Websites and Domains for sale. Buy and Sell your Online Business – Contact BizBroker24 for a FREE CONSULTATION.

Learn How To Create YouTube Videos With These Three Tips For Beginners

how to create youtube video?
YouTube is one of the leading video sharing sites on the Internet where you can find all types of videos from individuals and businesses. Many people post videos for fun. They simply want to share something they thought was funny or inspirational with others. Businesses use it to promote their products and services, so you can find a video for just about anything you can imagine on YouTube.
While creating and positing a video in YouTube is fairly easy, you do want to make sure you create something that others will watch. You don’t want to stick just anything on there, especially if you’re promoting your company. Here are three very important things to remember and apply when creating YouTube Videos.

Create Your Own Keywords and Tags:

This can be a very difficult part of making videos for some people but it is a necessary one. In order for viewers to find your video, you need good keywords and tags. You can check out the competition to give you some ideas but remember you never want to copy keywords and tags from someone else. This could ruin your reputation. Instead, use your imagination and come up with keywords and tags that describe the content of your video the best. You can also use a keyword tool designed to help you come up with good ideas.

Find Your Own Style and Voice:

When creating any video, it’s important to find your own style and voice. When you watch YouTube videos, you’ll notice that the creators of the successful ones have their own style and they have no doubt worked hard to find a system that works great for them. You’ll have to do the same and it will probably be a trial and error phrase while you search for your own style and voice that helps to make your videos successful. The main thing to remember is to relax, be yourself and don’t give up. You’ll soon find the style that suits you the best.

Only Post Videos That You Are Passionate About:

This is very important because if you’re not passionate about the subject in your video, the viewers will be able to tell and if you’re not really interested in your own video, why should they be? Many people create videos just for the views and while you do want to attract as many viewers as possible, this shouldn’t be your only reason for creating a video.

Instead, the video should have meaning. They can provide viewers with important and useful information, tell a story or simply make people laugh but they should have a real purpose. When you create videos that you are truly passionate about, it will show in your work and this will help to draw in more viewers. People will want to share them with others and they’ll look for more videos you’ve created. Once you have created your video, you can buy YouTube views to help boost ratings and get people interested but it’s the content that will keep them coming back and sharing with others.

Creating your own keywords and tags, finding your own style and only creating videos that you are passionate about will help you create YouTube videos that people will want to watch.

When you are ready to go on and create your own video, You have just got promoted to this article "Making Money With YouTube" So have a look at it too :)

Image Credit: MyBlogGuest platform.

Author Bio:
Brittany Clark likes to help others learn more about YouTube by writing articles and blog posts on the topic. She’s also a big fan of using YouTube for business.

How Gaming Consoles Have Changed Over Time

The very first gaming console was originally created in produced in 1967. It was called Brown Fox, and was not competed with until the Magnavox Odyssey was released in 1972. However, gaming for all individuals around the world did not become as popular until 1976, when the very first Atari Pong system was released. Once Atari created virtual pong that could be played with a friend, the video gaming market began to skyrocket and has not been the same since.

In 1985, Nintendo released its very first Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) to the public. To date, Nintendo has sold more than 61.9 million copies of the system itself, with a price of $199 at launch in 1985. Following in Nintendo's footsteps was Sega Enterprises, who released the Sega Master System in June of 1986. Although the Sega Master System never quite sold as many systems as the Nintendo Entertainment System, it sold more than 15 million units worldwide since its launch with a starting price of $200. In 1988, Nintendo released a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) which was based on the 16-bit Super Famicon system. With the system included new Mode 7 graphics and the system ultimately sold more than 49.1 million units at a launch price of $199.

Although the first-edition of Sega was never truly as successful as Nintendo itself, it continued to develop multiple systems that would make an impact in the future of the gaming community. In 1990, Sega Saturn was released by Sega Enterprises with a launch price of $399. The new system sold more than 170,000 units in Japan alone on its first day of launch. Sega Saturn was known to make gaming history as it also featured online multiplayer games including Bomberman and Duke Nukem 3D.

The original Sony Playstation was released by the Sony Computer Entertainment company in 1994 with a launch price of $299. The Sony Playstation made way for developments of both the Playstation 2 and 3 as well as the Xbox system.

Nintendo 64 was launched in June of 1996 with a launch price of $199. Another system that made headlines included the Sega Dreamcast, launched in 1998 with a price tag of $199. The Playstation 2 was then released in 2000 with a price tag originally of $299 and was manufactured by the Sony Computer Entertainment company.

How Gaming Consoles Have Changed Over Time

Source: Online Game Design Schools

The Internet Of Things: The Future Has Arrived

If you think the Internet of Things is a typing error of sorts, think again. It is a very real concept. In fact, it was predicted to be one of the top 10 technology trends for 2013 by industry experts.

The Internet of Things and its uses:

When asked to define the internet, you’d probably answer that it is a collection of web pages linked together. The Internet of Things work on the same concept, but instead of linking the pages from websites, it connects technological devices with each other and human users.

Like the internet as we know it, the Internet of Things will facilitate the exchange of information. But this information will come from the technological devices themselves, as opposed to being entered by humans. Think, for example, of a system that monitors the energy usage of your home. The appliance ‘speaks’ to the plug, in turn that plug sends information to your smartphone or tablet.

Tech experts predict that the Internet of Things and its method of communication will make its way into all parts of our everyday life eventually. In a business sense it can be used to track and control stock or monitor machinery in order to alert the business owner when a piece of equipment should be replaced, recalled or repaired. For the individual, the possibilities are limitless as well. The Internet of Things will serve you at home or on the road and in public places as well.

One global company that’s exploring ways to incorporate the Internet of Things into their product, is motor giant Ford. They’re envisioning pre-ordering coffee from your car and paying for fuel at a gas station via your vehicle. That’s not the end of it. Ford is also looking to implement a system that will be able to monitor the driver for a debilitating medical condition, like a heart attack or stroke. If such a condition is detected, the system will alert the vehicle and the vehicle will adapt the driving to prevent an accident from happening.

Other incredulous uses for the Internet of Things are billboards that are able to tailor their marketing message to the profile of the consumer in its vicinity. In the agricultural sector, it will relay information regarding soil quality and condition to farmers. The farmer will then be able to review and adjust his farming methods and techniques.

Concerns regarding the Internet of Things:

Due to the fact that the Internet of Things will connect just about every element of life and will enable M2M communication in its smartest form ever, there are some concerns regarding the concept. The main issue is of course security, especially in the business and government sector but also for the individual. All that information floating around means there are more chances for espionage, identity theft, fraud and other disruptive attacks. This just means that digital security measures will have to develop at the same pace as the Internet of Things. The usual methods won’t necessarily be enough to ensure that information is only delivered to the intended recipients.

Despite the concerns, the amalgamation of the Internet of Things into our day-to-day life is highly anticipated by the tech sector, businesses and individuals that are future-minded. They’re all of the opinion that the age of smart communication will mean a life lived much more efficiently. After all, the machines will think for us.

Author Bio:
I am Greg Jones: a food fundi, gym lover and family man. In my spare time, I love researching technological advancements and how they have an effect on our lives.

10 Of The Best Ways To Connect With People In The Digital Age

Ways To Connect With People In The Digital Age

The modern world is a place more connected than it has ever been in all of human history. The sheer number of options for communication and message diffusion available to us as individuals, groups, companies or organizations is an absolutely unprecedented kaleidoscope of technological innovation. What’s more, all of these communications options have become cheaper and more portable than ever before in history.

Thus, because of this, anyone from a goat herder in Mexico to a taxi driver in New York City to a socialite in Europe can access almost anyone else on Earth and spread their message to a large audience of digital contacts in just minutes. This can be used for things as simple as chatting with friends or it can incite whole revolutions and riots in repressive countries. All of this is possible thanks to the range of technologies described or represented below.

10) Hotmail, Yahoo email services:

Email itself is slowly dying in favor of other, more up to the minute communications mediums but the original warhorse email services such as Yahoo and Hotmail keep chugging along with just under 600 million users between the two of them. While their interfaces are in many ways deeply lacking as opposed to the power of Google’s Gmail, the inertia of being the first two major providers keeps them popular and as far as basic communications between friends and casual contacts is concerned, they’re not too bad.

9) Gmail:

The king of all the email providers, Gmail is a free email service run by Google and, while similar to Yahoo and Microsoft’s Hotmail (now called Live Mail) it’s interface and connectivity options are so much better. Add in a very effective anti-spam filter and the ability to connect with other highly used Google services, and it’s no wonder that Gmail is now the preferred choice for many professionals in all of their business or work related email needs. Gmail used to be the smaller of the three major email services but has now overtaken both Yahoo and Microsoft Live Mail with nearly 500 million users of its own.

8) WhatsApp:

The WhatsApp mobile device communication app is essentially a text messaging service that can be downloaded for free on yop of the existing SMS capability of your smart phone. However, unlike your existing provider, it’s free to use for the entire first year that you own it and costs less than $20 USD per year for every year after that. By using the power of 3G internet connectivity to send messages, WhatsApp lets you communicate quickly and easily with all your mobile contacts without running up your mobile minutes or phone contract costs.

7) Google Drive:

Another Google Service to make the list; Google Drive is the Cloud storage and transfer app that comes built right into your Google email (Gmail) account and into other Google services such as Google Apps. Drive isn’t really anything much different from what services like DropBox offer, except that its integration with any Google account means that you can use it to easily create collaborative document and data editing group accounts for yourself and other Google using partners. This is indeed very useful and great for business connectivity.

6) DropBox:

Simple enough: Open an account, download the app to your devices (along with its 2 GB of free storage space) and use it to quickly and easily share documents amongst your devices or send large files to your friends and coworkers by simply offering them a DropBox link that they can download from. A powerful cloud storage/sharing tool that lets you and others connect through shared data.

5) GoToMeeting:

A fairly powerful online video conferencing platform that’s very easy to use and very cheap as well. While GoToMeeting is possibly not the best solution for major business needs, it’s great as a small business and collaborative video calling service. Simple enough: you open an account (the first 30 days are free as part of a trial offer) set up a meeting platform on the GoTo website and invite as many as 25 other people to participate in the meeting through their own special access link at scheduled times that you’ve set in advance. No login is necessary for attendees and you can set meetings as often as you like.

4) InterCall:

InterCall is a perfect solution for real business connectivity in the digital age. Unlike other services such as Skype and Tango, or even GoToMeeting, the services provided by InterCall are designed for real corporate quality video, audio and telepresence meetings that give you access to a diverse range of different meeting formats, prices and styles. Their video conferencing options can be set up so you either set up and run a meeting with your own equipment and use Intercall to run the connection, or you can give them complete control of everything and simply focus on holding a digital meeting quickly and easily.

3) Twitter:

The Twitter social media site may seem overly simple –writing 150 character blurbs about what you’re doing or how you feel and maybe sharing a link inside them—but with this fairly basic range of communications options, this social app has been used to topple governments, coordinate mass rallies and protests and bring together large numbers of friends or connect celebrities directly with their followers. Twitter is much more powerful than it would seem.

2) Skype:

Skype is the oldest and most famous of the video calling apps. Now copied by other extremely similar products such as Apple’s FaceTime and Tango or oVoo, Skype is free, easy to use and very effective when it comes to visually interacting with friends and family over any sort of distance. You can use the Skype video interface from your PC, laptop or mobile device and even make calls to mobile or landline devices with it at discount rates.

1) Facebook:

Who doesn’t know what Facebook is all about? With over 1 billion users, this is now the world’s absolute most popular social network, and it’s a great tool for staying in touch with friends, family and even customers through fan pages and business pages. You can use Facebook for just about any sort of basic digital communication including video chat through their built in video platform.

Image Credit: Kromkrathog.

Author Bio:
Stephan Jukic is a freelance writer who generally covers a variety of subjects relating to the latest changes in white hat SEO, marketing, marketing tech and brand promotion. He also loves to read and write about subjects as varied as the idea of a location-free business, portable business management, and strategic marketing and advertising tactics. When he’s not busy writing or consulting, he spends his days enjoying life’s adventures either in Canada or Mexico. Connect with Stephan on LinkedIn.

Infographic On Education

Picking the right career is an important life decision. You want to make sure that you pick a job that offers competitve salary, reasonable entry time, and long-time growth potential. There are plenty of jobs available at every degree level. Generally speaking, a more advanced degree will put you in a better situation to earn more. While unfortunate, men tend to make more than women. In fact, lesser qualified men often earn as much as more qualified women. That being said, you can often find career that matches your skill and gender the best.

The best job is one that pays well, fits your background, has long term growth, and is easy to enter.

The education infographic is a breakdown of the highest paying careers and average lifetime earnings based on education levels. We take a look at several factors like race, gender, and degree levels achieved to show readers the statistics and possibilities associated with higher learning.

jobs for different education level

Infographic and statistics created by Lift Education, where their goal is to provide the latest up to date information concerning all things relating to online education.

Why Your Business May Benefit From a Business App

From plumbers to environmental consultants, you may be a hero to your clients. You rush in to save them from whatever perils they may be facing using your skills and expertise.

Although your ability to meet their needs is unquestionable, leveraging technology by investing in a mobile app can be a wise use of your extraordinary powers.

The infographic listed here offers 10 reasons why your business and client base could benefit from you creating an innovative business application.

Business Apps Offer Flexibility:

With a professional mobile app, you can remain available for your clients. Regardless if you are on a business trip or still in the office, your app allows you to remain available to diagnose problems and brainstorm potential solutions. Your customers will love your superhuman ability to meet their ever increasing demands.

Safe Online Storage:

With a mobile application you may no longer have to limit the amount of data your have access to due to limited storage options. In fact, storing your business data securely is often a cinch with a mobile app. Now, large data files allow you to remain competitive and agile within your industry.

Ability to Access Your Files Away From the Office:

A mobile app helps your business remain responsive to customer’s needs. When a customer isn’t able to get what they need, they look to your competitor. You should be able to respond to customer emails, remain current with project details and follow through on promises made to your clients from anywhere because you wield the power and information right in the palm of your hand.

Data Capture:

Many apps limit your ability to effectively operate your business 100% remotely. With secure data capture and online storage, you no longer have to be tied down at headquarters. You can respond to customer inquiries after assessing everything about their specific information from your mobile app. You now have the ability to access customer information by simply signing in.

Simplify Tasks:

The integration of systems within your business app streamlines your business processes. You no longer have to wait for data to sync, once you upload the information, everyone will have access—eliminating redundancy and increasing productivity for your organization.

Easy Access to Client Details:

Missing customer contact details are a thing of the pass. Every client contact, along with details about their accounts should be within reach.

Detailed Notifications about Tasks:

When your employees make changes to projects or make decisions about key clients, you will automatically be notified due to notifications. Real time alerts means that you are always informed and at the ready to save the day.

Remain in Touch with Your Customers and Stakeholders:

Customize your application to remain in contact with your clients regardless of where you are in the product life cycle. Integrating it with your existing communications channels means your customers will not even realize that you are responding through your smartphone.

Keep Your Business Modern and Agile:

Advances in technology have enhanced your skills and expertise therefore it is time that you leverage that knowledge to improve your position within your industry. Integration of your new mobile application with your website means you can send your best customers promotions directly from your phone.

Sleek Design:

Your app need not be bland, it can offer a creative eye catching design that is innovative and functional.


No longer do you have to limit your business and profits simply because it is after hours. Many who invest in a business application find that it helps them meet the needs of their customers 24 hours a day.

Via software development company Intellicore.

Why Cloud Computing Is The Future Of The Modern Business

Benefits Of Cloud Computing
Image courtesy of ConnetU.
The business world is changing fast, now requiring transactions and workloads to be completed faster and greater than ever before. This evolution has been underpinned by technological advances that have now produced a computing system capable of extraordinary feats for any business - Cloud computing.

In short, Cloud computing allows for businesses to place their computing system under the protection of a third party host. Using a multitude of processing powers, this service can easily match and exceed the demands of any business. To prove it to you, here are 6 reasons why Cloud computing is definitely the future for any modern business:

1) Improved Flexibility:

A limited bandwidth can be the bane of any business, hindering the flow of performance and draining the time and resources that could be spent elsewhere. A network of computers connected to the internet eradicates this issue, with flexible prioritisation of the collective bandwidth of each computer. The vast retention of Cloud computing will therefore have your business running as smooth as clockwork.

2) Low Cost:

In order to maximise efficiency, many businesses will seek to pay for additional servers and devices for their staff, as well as the cost of licences for new software. This can be incredibly expensive and impractical, particularly because the actual use of the technologies is rarely ever constant or lengthy. Hosting your hardware and software applications on the cloud, on the other hand, allows you to implement the Cloud versions of the exact same technologies, but you only ever have to pay for the amount of time you actually use it.

3) Greater Storage Capacity:

As a business progresses and begins to take on a greater amount of work, inevitably they will be met with the problem of storage capacity. Bound by the capacity of a physical device, it can be incredibly frustrating for an individual to be met with the ‘Full Capacity Reached’ message, especially when they have a deadline. For this reason, uploading all your data to an abundant Cloud service allows for greater freedom to take on more work without the consideration of whether you can actually store it – a frivolous issue, you’ll no doubt agree.

4) Work from Anywhere:

Many people in the business world will consider this the best reason to implement Cloud computing. No longer will you have to travel to work or be confined to an office, because Cloud computing allows you access to all your business’ information, from any location. Whether you want to work from your garden, or even if you’re able to free up some time whilst on holiday, this entirely modern prospect ensures your business will struggle to fall behind on workload.

5) Secure Backups:

Cloud computing allows everything you do via your office computer or laptop to be stored in a secure location i.e It helps in Protecting your data by various authentication procedures. This means that you do not have to fear everything you have worked on is lost or can be stolen, if you find your device has gone missing. As soon as you retrieve it or find yourself with a new one, everything from the Cloud can be accessed and downloaded back to your device.

6) Eco-friendly:

Current scientific research indicates that we are having a huge impact on climate change, due to our increased emissions and carbon footprints. Although still creating an emission of sorts, Cloud computing will allow a business to reduce its energy consumption and carbon footprint, because it only operates as and when it is needed. Of course, the energy required for a Cloud service will be exceedingly high and not eco-friendly at all, but any modern business will realise that a pocket of high energy consumption is better than the large distribution of high energy consumption caused by traditional IT infrastructures.

Overall, Cloud computing presents businesses with a set of tools that can reduce boundaries, create prospects and allow for greater prioritisation of other factors a business must tend to. The future of the business sector, or any sector for that matter, has to start with Cloud computing.

How do you feel about Cloud computing? Is there any other reasons to implement Cloud computing that have been overlooked, or can you think of any problems with this technology? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Author Bio:
Ben takes an interest in technology, therefore he is fascinated by the potential for cloud computing and how it can be implemented across multiple sectors, not just in business.

Why Technology Niche Is The Best For Blogging?

Importance Of Blogs:

Creating A Tech Blog
When you start blogging you need the best niche so that you will be able to get ahead of other bloggers. Technology based blogs are the best way to get noticed and every day new developments are occurring in technology. So, you will get enough ideas to do the blog in an attractive way .If you want to have a successful online business, you can depend on blogging based on this niche. Since there are different varieties of technology to choose from, it is easy to create blogs about them. In this modern world people are attracted to technology and electronic gadgets more than any other niche. So, opting for the technology niche for blogging is a good decision.

Examples Of Technology Niche Blogs:

This niche can include blogs about news of,

  • Information technology.
  • Updates on the technology.
  • How to guides of various gadgets like iPhone and androids.
  • Latest breakthrough in technology.
  • Windows and MAC news.
  • Opinion about different technology.

Many people feel that having technology niche blogs provide some excitement after their working hours and makes them engaged. You should keep track of the happenings in the technology field and you should be able to express it in a simple and understandable language to the people visiting your blog site. If you make sure that you update the technology blog site at regular intervals, there will be regular visitors to your site. This will help in your business.

It Is Easy To Start Technology Blogs:

Starting a technology blog and get it running is not a major task. What you have to do is to have a blog account created using either WordPress or any other convenient free modules used for blogging purpose. If possible you can add new blogs daily or you can opt for adding new ones once in a week. Updating the blog is necessary to have a high ranking and to compete with other sites. If you are interested in technology, writing about technology is only a child’s play.

Readily Available Information:

It is very easy to get information about any form of new technology. There will be news about the latest iphones, androids or about what the latest gadget is used by a celebrity etc. you can also write about your experience and how you made money using the latest available technology. You can also write about the general advances made in the field of various types of technology. However it is better to limit the niche to certain groups, if you want to make money. So, consider writing a blog about technology which interests people. You will be able to make good money using the technology niche blogs. You will be able to reap benefits from the technology blogs if you restrict the subject to those in which you can easily incorporate the keywords which will bring more visitors to your site. If you provide new and interesting information, people will definitely visit your site to know more about the latest developments in technology.

The Rise Of The Mobile App

Smartphone's are pretty incredible, as is the internet itself. This article will chart the continued rise of the Smartphone and the applications that make them so appealing to their users. In the internet age we live in, having access to it at all times is vitally important. May it be because you need to do some shopping or check your bank account balance, the option has to be there.

Many of you will work in the city and have high pressure jobs that require a lot of phone calling and instant messaging; the only way to get that on the go is with one of these phones. Businesses are now fundamentally tailored around the functionality of mobile devices including tablets.

Think back to ten years ago and then compare the business world to what it is like now, the rise and change has been incredible. There are three key reasons why the mobile application has become so popular and I will explain them within the this article,

The Internet:

The Rise Of The Mobile App
The rise of the mobile application can be attributed solely to the rise in the internet and thus the rise in the number of Smartphone's on the market. It is frightening how far technology has come in such a short space of time and it is only going to get more detailed and advance.

Most people are internet literate nowadays and this is reflected in the complexity of apps and mobiles. As more people become comfortable with using the internet (don't forget it is still a new thing) wed developers are becoming more willing to advance the apps they produce.

You can get an application for almost anything; I will touch upon this later in the article.


A lot of people in the world today have experience everything that they want or need to experience, may it be travelling or purchasing goods. There is a lot of wealth in the world and people get very bored and mobile applications can often provide the stimulation they need.

It is something that is out of your control; you don't set the levels or create the rules. You have got to abide by someone else's and that frustration/sense of achievement after completion is something you can't get from buying the latest car on the market.

Ease of Access:

You can literally do anything on an app nowadays. You can do your banking, your shopping, book your holidays, have a gamble and check your Facebook, all within a few seconds. The ease of access and wide ranging nature of apps makes them so appealing and companies such as Made with Marmalade have recognized this.

They create cross border platforms for apps that can be used on all Smartphone's and thus they infiltrate every aspect of the market. This is just one example of how companies are clocking on to the fact the internet is the most progressive market to be involved in. The future can only get more advanced and people have such an open mind when it comes to technology that any new creations will certainly have the required audience.

Image Credit: Royalty Free or iStock.

Author Bio:
Andrew is an author with a love for modern technology. He likes to keep up to date with the latest phones and tablets as well as writing about them.

5 Reasons To Use A Website Builder

If you don’t have a personal website, but you’re dreaming about launching one, you’ve come to the right place. In this article I’m going to list and describe the benefits of using the most convenient site building tools - online website builders. As for me, these platforms are the very definition of innovation in the technology domain, as they offer everything you need to build a professional-looking website in one place.

When I’m asked which is the easiest and the most cost-efficient way to build a website, I always recommend website builders. And this is due to the following reasons:

1.) They Are Easy-to-Use:

Convenience is probably the strongest side of modern website builders. Most of them feature very user-friendly CMS based on drag-and-drop and WYSIWYG editing principles. These allow you to see how your website will look like when live (even on the smartphones and tablets). This is to say that anyone is capable of building a website there, regardless of the HTML knowledge level. Below is a screenshot of Zoho Sites web design suite depicting their intuitive WYSIWYG editor.

2.) They Offer Advanced Website Building Tools:

Website builders are by no means inferior to other methods of webmastering. Their scope of features runs the gamut from smart widgets to QR-code generators. What’s more - most of these features are available within their absolutely free packages (in most cases you ‘pay’ just by displaying the system’s copyright on your pages). A good example of a functional website builder is uCoz web design platform. Their free package amazes: ability to attach a previously purchased domain, ability to generate a custom email, extended statistics, technical support, etc.

3.) They Let You Start Your Own Business:

Not only do site constructors help you taking your current business online, but they also help you set up a new enterprise. Webydo web design suite, for instance, offers a very smart content management system allowing web designers to manage multiple websites and clients. With their unparalleled CMS you’ll be able to adjust permission settings and add collaborators enabling your clients to upload and edit their website content easily, without messing up design.

4.) They Are Cost-Efficient:

Building a website on a SaaS (software as a service) platform is far more cheaper than the alternatives: assembling a website piece by piece yourself (hosting + domain + CMS + plugins + themes, etc.) or hiring developers and designers. In fact, website builders allow you to build a functioning website with $0 seed capital. But they also offer access to more advanced tools for extra fees. Take a look at Weebly web design platform pricing: everything’s transparent, straightforward and affordable:

5.) They Give You Freedom of Customization:

There are many misconceptions surrounding website builders, and one of the most popular is that on these platforms you’ll be limited to their default templates only. But is not true. On most platforms you can upload your own templates or modify the readymade designs with pixel accuracy. This feature is available on Squarespace web design platform within their Developer Plan, for example.

Author Bio:
Howard Steele is the owner of There he publishes his own professional website builders reviews and comparisons. Apart from these, he writes design-related articles.

Recording Your Every Move

How do you use your Smartphone to communicate? Do you prefer to text or Facebook your friends? Or are you a fan of sending you message out to the world via Twitter?

If we follow in the footsteps of our ‘celebrities’ we might choose Facebook to post pictures of ourselves to show off our best bits. If words are more your thing, then Twitter is a great medium to tell the world your thoughts and all in 140 characters or less.

Celebrity Tweeters:

We watched Will-i-am on the first series of The Voice tweet about contestants. It was an on-going commentary of his thoughts about them.

Across the pond, Kim Kardashian uses her Twitter feed to pass on tips that are subsidised by advertising. She can make $10,000 for one tweet. We’d all have a piece of that if we could get it!

Billionaire Donald Trump spends a lot of time on Twitter ‘warring with pretty much everyone’ including the writer of Modern Family, Danny Zuker; he referred to Zuker as a ‘moron’. Nice!

Another famous ‘loose cannon’ is actor Charlie Sheen who uses it as a platform to rant too!

As singer Minaj uses Twitter to hurl insults; one of her targets has been fellow American Idol judge Mariah Carey.

Whether you chose to use Twitter as a war zone or would rather just share your opinion on daily life is your choice of course. We rather think etiquette is better demonstrated without the public abuse.


Smartphones make tweeting a favourite pastime that allows tweeters to connect with others. The immediacy of this social platform is appealing and the fact that any message you put out there goes to your whole community – there is nothing private about it.

Visual presence:

While you can add images to your tweets, Facebook is more visual. You can give your friends a photographic tour of your life – where you are, who you can see, what you’re just about to eat and more.

Social media really is about sharing some of your most personal moments. We’ve all seen entries from friends as they give birth or minutes after haven’t we?

Keeping it real and ... safe:

It’s a whole new way of way of communicating in the here and now. It’s strange too – nobody really cares what you’re having for breakfast, lunch and dinner but many users feel compelled to tell everyone.

However you choose to use your Smartphone, it’s obvious from most user’s habits that it’s a very important device. It is easier to capture every waking minute than a traditional diary or blog. It involves physical input but usually in sharp, short bursts. It’s perfect for exhibitionists or narcissists who like to see pictures of themselves everywhere.

If you feel like your right arm has been cut off if you leave home without your Smartphone, then the thought of losing it or having it stolen must invite nightmares.

Obviously you will do everything to ensure that your phone is always close at hand – in fact you’re probably using it most of the time. Adding the precaution of phone insurance is a really good back-up plan.

Author Bio:
Rob Rudd is just a little bit incredulous at the nonsense that celebrities spout via social media. He enjoys writing for technology and lifestyle websites.

Surprising News On What People Do With Their Mobile Phones

What People Do With Their Mobile Phones?
One of the biggest ways that you can tell what year a movie or TV show is from is by noticing what telephones people are talking on. If it’s an old rotary phone, it’s generally prior to the 1970s. The same goes when it comes to what mobile phone device they are using. Remember those huge car phones that became popular in the 1980s as a status symbol among the rich? The phones, which recently seen in the National Geographic Channel miniseries on “The 80s,” were big and unwieldy and literally cost as much as a car did back then.

Mobile phones have changed over time:

Even 15 years ago, just having a cell phone was still seen as an expensive luxury, although the size of the phone was smaller than the 1980s. How the world has changed since then. Now mobile phones are ubiquitous these days – a recent Pew Internet Survey found that an incredible 91 percent of people now have mobile phones, with 56 percent of them having smartphones. So if you are interested in reaching people for your business, you should consider mobile advertising campaigns.

So what do you think people do with their mobile phones? Here are some surprising facts about mobile phone usage:
  1. After text messaging, checking email is the most popular non-calling activity with smartphone users, with 75% of the American users using the phone to check their email, according to a recent survey.
  2. According to a recent study, participants checked their mobile phones an average of 34 times a day, usually checking their email and Facebook accounts.
  3. Here is a rather disturbing statistic – some people use their phones everywhere they go, including the restroom. Yes, an incredible 75 percent of people have used their phones in the restroom.
  4. According to the Daily Mail, a new poll has discovered that the most common way a person finds out his or her spouse has been cheating is by going through their mobile phone.
  5. Emails devoted to shopping during the holiday season are increasingly popular, and 45% of people check such emails on their mobile phones.

Interesting statistics, to be sure. If you are interested in mobile advertising campaigns, you need to pay attention to such things. After all, it is important to find out where people are using mobile phones, who is using them, and what they are using them for, in order to best reach your market.

One way to do so is to use an email marketing and advertisement company like LiveIntent. Companies who run email marketing platforms like them can help your advertising efforts. Since email is something that your target audience will check on various platforms, this is a good way to reach customers on their desktop computer, or their mobile phones. And the ads can show up just in emails where the readers are more likely to buy your products, thereby helping your marketing impact and increasing the chances people will be interested in your product. Good luck.

Author Bio:
Lisa Swan writes for a variety of computing sites. She lives in New York City.